How it works?
With 10BestDeals, you can trust that the buying guide you receive is relevant and valuable for your shopping experience. Our algorithm continuously refines its search 6 times a day to present you with the most accurate and helpful information, ensuring that you have the essential insights needed to make an informed purchase decision.
10BestDeals covers 100,000+ product categories, using advanced AI to continuously update our database. We're your one-stop solution for expert advice and diverse product recommendations.
10BestDeals is not a retailer itself, but rather a platform that partners with major retailers such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify stores to help you find the best products at the most competitive prices. Our primary focus is to provide you with reliable, AI-generated buying guides and connect you with top retailers, ensuring a seamless and informed shopping experience.
10BestDeals is 95% AI-driven, automating buying guide creation. A dedicated human team handles the remaining 5%, verifying data to ensure accuracy and credibility for our users.
10BestDeals earns through affiliate commissions on sales, without affecting user prices. We partner with major retailers, ensuring the best deals while offering comprehensive buying guides, benefiting both users and retailers.
10BestDeals is a popular choice for savvy shoppers, supporting 10 million+ monthly queries across 12 markets. Our rapid growth is driven by users appreciating our AI-generated buying guides and price-finding convenience.